Do Meditation right by following these 10 Simple and Easy Steps:

  • Time

Choose a Time that is most suitable for you. Usually the best time is in the morning when your mind is free from daily concerns.


  • Place

Choose a quiet Place where you can sit undisturbed for some time. Best is to sit on the floor with a slight cushioning underneath. You can always sit on a chair, sofa or bed.


  • Posture

Posture is very important. Sit with your back, neck and head in a straight line. Close your eyes and use Dhayan Mudra for better Meditation.


  • Breathing

Concentrate on your Breathing. Do a minute of deep breathing and then slow it down and follow the normal breathing pattern. Focus on inhaling and exhaling. Establish a rhythmic breathing pattern.


  • Mind

You need to declutter your Mind. Thoughts will keep coming but controlling them is important. You need to calm yourself and focus within.


  • Routine

Using the same place and the same time every day will condition your mind to slow down. This helps in focusing and will encourage you to be more self-controlled.


  • Chakra

Bring your mind to one focal Chakra point and rest on it. For beginners this could be the Ajna Chakra (the point between your eyebrows) or the Anahata Chakra (in the middle of your chest).

Seven Chakra

  • Focus

Choose an object, i.e. God’s image, a Symbol or a Mantra. Focus on this for as long as you comfortably can. You will concentrate on one thing throughout the meditation session.

Om Symbol

  • Simplicity

Simplest types of meditation takes us more into a deeper spiritual level. Allow your mind to wander first. Then slowly, let it settle down on one thing. Putting your mind to rest is what you need to practice.


  • Samadhi

The mind gradually calms and settles. By continuing with meditation the mind slows down even more and we begin to experience a feeling of intimacy, stillness and peace. This is a state of pure thought. After long practice Samadhi, the superconscious state is attained.

businessman sitting on pier an looking clouds


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