Interpretation of Compound Numbers In Numerology:

1 to 9 are single numbers and are called single or Root numbers. All numbers beyond 9 become double or compound numbers.

Single or root number denotes the clear features  of the individual, double numbers reveal the hidden influences that play a silent role behind the scene.

A compound comprises of two numbers repeating in varied combinations of the single nine numbers 1 to 9. All the nine single numbers are associated with and represent an occult influence emitted from their ruling planet.

Planets share relationships with other planets that are of Friend, Enemy or Neutral nature, hence when making a compound if the numbers of two friendly planets combine, the compound becomes lucky and favourable. When enemy numbers combine, the compound becomes unfavourable and unlucky and when neutral numbers combine to make a compound the results are no great.

Those born on any date from 1 to 9 bear the direct influence and characteristics of the planet that rules the number but those born on any date from 10 to 31 will come under the influence of the primary root number as well as that of the two planets that compose the compound number.

The Interpretation of Compound Numbers in Numerology should be consulted and their warnings headed choosing the name.

Compound numbers in Numerology

If the psychic (date of birth) comes from not so fortunate compound, there are remedial steps that could decrease the malefic influence by increasing the positive vibrations around and of the other vital numbers.One must keep in mind that an unfortunate compound birthdate does not warranty an unfortunate life as much depends on other vital numbers placed in the numerical grid.

As we come down to the earth with a bag full of Karmas’ either to work off, off load and empty the old Karmas by our actions and a life well lived or to create new ones to carry back to abode.

Consult Numerologist Anju Ahuja to know more about these Numbers.


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